Stay Safe This Summer With These Grilling Precautions

father teaching son how to grill hot dogs

Grilling is a popular summer pastime, but it can be dangerous. From house fires to burns, issues can occur. You can stay safe while grilling by following some tips. These grilling precautions are easy to incorporate so that they will become second nature over time.

Steer Clear of Structures When Grilling

You should only use a charcoal or gas grill outdoors, and it’s essential to stay away from structures and low-hanging tree branches. Grilling out in the open will protect your property if the fire flares up while cooking.

Place the Grill on a Flat and Stable Surface

Grills that can be tipped over are a serious hazard. Put the grill on a flat and stable surface so it won’t tip. You can also put a splatter pad under it, so you won’t have to worry about damaging your patio or deck.

Keep an Eye Out for Propane Leaks

If you use a propane grill, check for leaks before firing it up at the beginning of the season. Put a mixture of water and light soap through the hose. Turn on the gas, and if you see any bubbles, you have a leak. Also, be on the lookout for other signs of a leak, including a flame that won’t light or gas smells.

Don’t Relight a Flame Right Away

The flame on your gas grill might go out from time to time. Don’t relight the grill right after it goes out, though. Turn off the grill and the gas and then wait a full five minutes. Once five minutes have passed, you can relight the grill.

Use the Best Practices for Starter Fluid

If you prefer grilling with charcoal, be careful with the starter fluid. Only use starter fluid specifically made for charcoal. Also, don’t add additional starter fluid if the flame goes out. You can make grilling even safer by forgoing the starter fluid in favor of a charcoal chimney starter. This system uses newspapers to light the grill.

Don’t Leave a Grill Unattended

Make sure that an adult is by the grill at all times. Even leaving the grill alone for a moment can be a hazard. A fire could get out of hand, and someone might get hurt.

Don’t Move a Hot Grill

Grills don’t cool down immediately after use. You can expect your grill to be too hot to move for a minimum of an hour after use. Never try to move the grill until it’s cool.

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Have Firefighting Supplies on Hand

Hopefully, you’ll never have to deal with a fire, but you need to be ready just in case. Keep baking soda at your grilling station so you can handle grease fires. Also, have a fire extinguisher nearby for other fires. You can use a bucket of sand in place of a fire extinguisher if you don’t have one.

Keep these tips in mind when you grill. They will keep you safe, so you can enjoy your meal without tending to injuries.

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