Cost-Effective Ways to Heat Your Home

Cozy home interior with fireplace and keeping warm with hot drink

Time to turn up the thermostat and bundle up. Keeping your house warm during the winter can get a little pricey, so if you want to save a little cash on your energy bill this winter, check out these cost-effective ways to stay warm.

Program Your Thermostat

When you’re at home, you want your house to be nice and toasty, but when you’re away there’s no reason to keep the heater running. If you don’t already have one, install a programmable thermostat and set it to keep you warm during the hours that you are at home and conserve energy when you’re sleeping or away.

Rearrange Your Furniture

Just moving your furniture away from your vents can help you save money as well. If your furniture is blocking the flow of warm air into the room your, the furnace has to work harder to keep the entire home warm.

Install A Door Sweep

Cold air seeping in from under your door can counteract the efforts of your heating unit. You can easily install a door sweep for under $15 to help with this issue. A door sweep is a long broom like attachment that can be installed along the bottom of your door. Once installed, it will help block cold air.

Quick-Seal Your Windows

Did you know that windows account for anywhere between 10 and 25 percent of your heating bill. You can seal in the heat and keep the cold out by placing a thin plastic film over the inside of your windows.  You can find easy-application kits with double sided tape for as lows as $4 dollars.

Utilize Your Drapes More Efficiently

If you have drapes that you normally keep closed around the clock, then you’re missing out on big savings. How?  There’s a huge natural heater in the sky that you don’t have to pay for. To get the most out this free solar heater, leave your drapes open during the day. In the evening, close them just before the sun goes down to keep the heat in.

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Change Your Furnace Filter

Changing your furnace filter can not only save you up to five percent of energy usage, it can also keep down dust and extend the longevity of your furnace. The same goes for the air filter in your car. A clogged air filter is one of the main causes for poor heating in vehicles. If you’re struggling to keep warm while you’re on the road, schedule a maintenance appointment at Rusty Wallace Kia Alcoa. We’ll check your air filter and replace it if needed.

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