How To Enjoy Your Deck This Winter

Back deck with snow on the retaining rail

Just because it’s cold out doesn’t mean that you should stop using your deck. Here are some great ways to help get full use out of this great relaxation and entertaining space.

The Heat Is On

Here’s one of the reasons that people often don’t use their decks in the winter: It’s cold. Shocker, right? But hey, this is a problem with a solution. Fire pits, outdoor fireplaces, or even space heaters can all be great options to keep your deck toasty warm on a cold winter’s night. A wind screen is an excellent addition to your deck during the winter, as well. Find where that cold wind is blowing (betcha it’s from the North) and set up your wind screen to block the worst of it. Your family or guests will thank you!

Cover Up

Snow, ice, and cold can damage the materials your deck is made of. So here’s a potential solution: Invest in a cover. This will protect your deck’s surfaces in the long term, but it will also allow you the pleasure of sitting outside while it snows. Bring out a cup of hot cocoa and watch those little flakes flutter down. It’s calming and fun. And you don’t have to use a permanent cover, either … you can find canvas coverings that can be removed when it gets warmer.

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A Hot Time

And here’s where it gets a little tricky: A great winter deck requires a little bit of an investment. A fun idea: Get a hot tub. Seriously, a deck or patio is a great place for a hot tub, and you can find many makes and models. There are enough to fit into almost any budget. The idea of relaxing in some warm bubbles and steamy water sounds positively divine during the cold winter months.


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