Try These Turkey Day Breakfast Recipes

cinnamon rolls

We know, we know. It’s Turkey Day. You’ve got a lot on your plate. Between cooking and setting the table – not to mention trying to catch a little bit of the parade – you’re busy. While you know you want to save room when it’s time to dig in to the big meal, you still need to start your day with breakfast. Your main focus has to be on the Thanksgiving Dinner, but what can you prepare for the morning meal that is easy? With that in mind, here are five turkey day breakfast recipes to try for yourself and your family.

Sweet Potato Hash

Since you may be throwing your diet to the wind on this day, we figure starting off with a little bit of a healthier option might be a good idea. Sweet potatoes are packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals that all do your body good. Not only that, but this can be a perfect substitute for that sweet potato casserole you may have been considering later in the day.

Cinnamon Rolls

If you’re super busy in the kitchen, it’s usually not too difficult to find a moment to prepare some cinnamon rolls. They’re quick and easy. Best of all they’re tasty.

Pumpkin Muffins

One of the most delightful things about Turkey Day is the spectacular bouquet of smells wafting through the house. When you prepare these Pumpkin Muffins it will be a nice precursor for what’s to come. Not to mention, they’re absolutely delicious.

Pumpkin Bread

Anything made from pumpkin this time of year is a recipe worth trying, and this Pumpkin Bread certainly won’t disappoint. One tip – make it the night before and warm it up the next morning.

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Sweet Potato Frittata

If you’re an egg person, then this frittata might be your jam. This one marries eggs with one of the staples of the season and it’s a perfect combination. Definitely worth a try.

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