Spend The Day At David Crockett’s Boyhood Home

Visit The Boyhood Home of David Crockett

If you’re looking for an educational experience that your whole family will enjoy, then plan a visit to Davy Crockett’s boyhood home, the Crockett Tavern. The Crockett Tavern Museum is less than two hours away from Alcoa, Tennessee, making it the perfect day trip. You can learn so much about David Crockett when your visit. While the famous American frontiersman is known in popular culture as “Davy,” he actually hated the nickname. Crockett, often portrayed in a “coonskin” cap and fringed buckskin clothing, looms large in American history. When you hear his life story, it’s no wonder.

Who Is David “Davy” Crockett?

David “Davy” Crockett plays a significant role in American history. He is best known as a martyr at the Alamo in Texas’ battle for independence. He was a frontiersman, soldier, politician, congressman, and prolific storyteller. Crockett, who went down in American history as the “King of the Wild Frontier,” was instrumental first as an explorer. He later became a congressman representing the state of Tennessee from 1827 to 1831.

The end of his life was also part of the great American West. He was one of the defenders killed in the battle of the Alamo in what is now modern-day San Antonio. He is remembered in film, television, and popular songs — “He killed him a b’ar (bear) when he was only three.” Crockett’s childhood was filled with hardship. Being the fifth of six sons among John and Rebecca Crockett’s nine children. He watched his other struggle financially with debt through most of his life. Crockett’s family moved often. After many failed attempts at business, David Crockett’s father opened a successful tavern, where the Museum now stands.

The Crockett Tavern was where David Crockett honed his skill with a rifle. After all, his job was to hunt games for the supper table. David Crockett was also responsible for the sheepherders’ livestock and cattle drovers staying at the tavern.

David Crockett would sometimes be hired to drive cattle to help pay off his family’s debt. He left home for three years when he was 15. When he was 17 while working part-time in the area, he received only six months of education. He married Polly Finley, rented a farm, and lived in Jefferson County, TN, until age 25. He, his wife, and sons then moved west.

What Is the Crockett Tavern Museum?

This Museum is a reconstruction of the 1790s John Crockett tavern. It offers a variety of Crockett and pioneer-related items for sale in the gift shop. The sole purpose of the Museum is to commemorate the American folk hero David Crockett. It was reconstructed when a popular craze over the legacy of Davy Crockett was at its peak. You can take an hour’s tour of the Museum on your visit.

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Visit The Museum Today

Load your family into your vehicle and head to the Crockett Tavern Museum today. Stop by the gift shop. You can purchase specialty food items, posters, coloring books, coonskin caps, and other seasonal items subject to availability. Make sure you schedule your tour because the last one begins at 4 p.m. The admission fees go toward museum operations and the preservation of the historical site. Enjoy a day trip to see the Crockett Tavern Museum today.

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